Tag Archives: risk management

Navigating the Landscape of Risk Management Frameworks

In the realm of information security, the quest to effectively manage risk is paramount. However, amidst the myriad of frameworks available, distinguishing between those explicitly designed for risk management and those that serve as broader guidelines can be a daunting … Continue reading

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Third Party Risk Management – Considerations for creating a program standard

What is a Third Party Third parties generally refer to external entities with whom you enter into contractual agreements to deliver products or services. These external partners may offer essential services to support your business operations or extend services to … Continue reading

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Risk Assessment – Qualitative, Quantitative and Scoring

Information security community has been performing risk assessment for as long as the profession existed. The risk assessment is  typically classified as qualitative (e.g. Critical, High, Medium, Low) or quantitative (a dollar amount). Risk scoring is a relatively new phenomenon … Continue reading

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