Following is the list of reference material for my presentation on connected vehicles to the ISSA Infosec Summit on May 23rd.
- McKinsey & Company – Shifting gears in cyber security for connected vehicles
- NXP: Automotive Gateway: A Key Component to Securing the Connected Car
- SAE: Security Mechanisms Design of Automotive Gateway Firewall
- SAE J3061: Surface Vehicle Recommended Practice
- Course on CAN:
- McAfee:Automotive Security Best Practices
- OBD II –
- Onboard Diagnostics –
- Trend Micro: Connected Vehicle Security Vulnerabilities
- Trend Micro: A vulnerability in modern automotive standards and how we exploited it.
- University of South Carolina: Security and Privacy Vulnerabilities of In-Car Wireless Networks: A Tire Pressure Monitoring System Case Study
- Poneman Institute: Securing the Modern Vehicle, A Study of Automotive Industry Cybersecurity Practices
University of Toronto also offers a connected vehicles training program on Coursera which many people may be interested in. It has some pre-requisites like linear algebra, machine learning, etc.